Remember- If you want the most effective changes- ***Never listen while driving or using machinery***
1. You must be fully present (turn off all distractions & only do the videos.
2. Stay in your body. Breathe and be fully present in your physical body.
3.Stay awake and anchor into your physical body. See your spine and tailbone going deep into the center of the earth.
Week #1- Activation/Deactivation If the energy moves too fast for you, you can always ask it to move slower. -We Are All One consciousness activation -Are You A Martyr? deactivation
Week #2- -Deactivation for addictive behaviors- all- shopping, spending money, health related, stress related -Having to learn through struggle and loss deactivation
Week #3- Do these, they are super important Reminders + 3 foundational activations that will continue to work and shift your life into more ease and joy.
3 Foundational activations-Sacred Geometry to be able to keep holding a higher frequency.
Week #4- Break out of the limitations of any labels- woman, mother, grandmother, friend, helper, healer, teacher, parent, daughter, blonde, left handed, Jewish, Christian, hippie, artist, etc.
Week #5- Keep you out of other people's energies more easily- Life's Grid activation/deactivation
Week #6 Stop carrying the pain of the planet or your ancestors. It's time for Heaven on Earth activation
Week #7 Be true to yourself and honoring your personal power. 11 Activations +
What does it mean the energy is coming up to leave? You are invited to join me on monthly calls.